3 Italia Finally Listening to The WIND of Change: Sparks of Consolidation in the European Telecom Industry

Hutchison Holding (2CK.F) – market cap. as of 23/09/2016: HKD387bn VimpelCom Ltd (VIP) – market cap. as of 23/09/2016: $6.17bn Iliad S.A. (ILD) – market cap. as of 23/09/2016: €10.9bn Introduction On August 6, 2015 CK Hutchison Holdings Ltd. and VimpelCom Ltd. agreed to combine their Italian subsidiaries, 3 Italia Read more…

Telecom industry “calls” for consolidation: threats and opportunities in the Italian market

We all know the strong changes that Internet has brought to our everyday lives; the way people are connected and communicate has changed dramatically over the past years. Phone calls and standard text messages are becoming less and less popular, as alternative communication services and apps like WhatsApp or Messenger Read more…