Winter Deal Recap

Download PDF Introduction In 2024, global M&A activity maintained a strong pace, with deal value rising by approximately 15% compared to 2023. This growth occurred despite market conditions improving less than expected, as interest rates remained high and geopolitical tensions persisted worldwide. The trend continued in the final months of Read more…

A Five-calories Drink a Day Keeps the Doctor Away…or not? Dr Pepper Snapple Acquires Bai Brands for $1.7bn

Dr Pepper Snapple Group, Inc. (NYSE: DPS) — market cap as of 24/11/2016: $16.031bn Introduction On November 22, 2016, Dr Pepper Snapple Group Inc., an American beverage producer, agreed to acquire Bai Brands, another American beverage producer focused on antioxidant beverages, for $1.7bn. The deal emerges as traditional customers sway Read more…