A Primer on Fixed Income Options

Download PDF Introduction Interest rate derivatives (IRD) represent the largest segment of the OTC derivative market. As of June 2023, the global OTC derivatives notional outstanding amounted to $714.7tn as reported by the Bank for International Settlements (BIS). The biggest share of this market is represented by IRD and FX Read more…

Half a Century of Black-Scholes: Option Pricing Models from Inception to Contemporary Innovations

Download PDF Introduction 50 years ago, the financial industry changed forever with the introduction of the Black-Scholes model for options pricing. However, the story started much earlier with less sophisticated approaches and has evolved significantly over the last century, encompassing notable frameworks such as the binomial tree in discrete time, Read more…

A Primer on 0DTE Options

Download PDF What are 0DTEs? Zero Days to Expiry (0DTE) options are options that expire on the same day they are purchased; this gives them an unusually high amount of leverage that is hard to find anywhere else. Due to theta, the extrinsic value of an option declines exponentially as Read more…

The Emerging Markets Dark Tunnel

Download PDF Introduction Emerging Markets Debt is making a comeback in Google search bars. The term refers to sovereign bonds issued by less-developed countries. In fact, the words “debt” and “emerging” are closely linked: debt permits a country to raise fresh capital and with that to grow towards standards reflected Read more…

Ex-Dividend Arbitrage

Download PDF Introduction This article will ostensibly be a distillation and discussion of the paper ‘Ex-Dividend Arbitrage in Option Markets’ by Hao, Kalay and Mayhew. [1] They find that a significant fraction of American call option holders do not behave in line with rational exercise policy regarding dividends, leaving money Read more…