Market Recap 17/11/2024

Download PDF USA All major indexes declined over the week with the Dow Jones Industrial Average being the best of the bad, retracting on previous week’s gains as uncertainty over incoming policies grew, leading to disparities in sector returns. The Russell 2000 fell by the most (-3.99%) following its rally Read more…

Tariff Man – Season II

Download PDF Disclaimer: This article is intended solely for informational purposes. Bocconi Students Investment Club does not endorse any political candidate or party. Introduction Millions of Americans this week have cast their ballot for the presidential election, which has been undoubtedly one of, if not the most important event of Read more…

Sports Betting Part 2: Further Exploring Cross-Bookie Arbitrage using Kelly Criterion and Odds Models

Download PDF Introduction In our previous exploration of sports betting, we examined basic market efficiency and evaluated whether straightforward strategies could uncover statistical arbitrage opportunities. Our findings showed that, while betting markets may appear exploitable at first glance, they remain highly efficient, leaving little room for profit under simplistic approaches. Read more…

Market Recap 20/10/2024

Download PDF USA The S&P 500 Index advanced this week, driven by gains in the utilities and real estate sectors. Energy stocks, however, faced losses in tandem with a decline in oil prices, as concerns over potential Israeli strikes on Iran’s oil and gas infrastructure began to subside. In terms Read more…

Market Recap 13/10/2024

Download PDF USA While the week started with a selloff on Monday, giving back gains posted during the previous session’s post-jobs-report surge, the S&P 500, Dow Jones Industrial Average, and S&P MidCap 400 Index still reached record highs this week. The Dow Jones Industrial Average and S&P 500 gained 1% Read more…

A Primer on Equity Swaps

Download PDF Introduction The aim of this article is to provide a comprehensive overview of equity swaps, focusing on their structure, mechanics and use cases for investors. Equity swaps evolved in the late 1980s and early 1990s, as a part of the broader development of over the counter (OTC) derivative Read more…

A Primer on ETFs

Download PDF Introduction The aim of this article is to provide a comprehensive overview of exchange-traded funds (ETFs) and to concentrate on their structure, functionality, and the factors leading to their increased use in the financial markets. Over three decades, ETFs have become a favored investment vehicle due to their Read more…

Market Recap 06/10/2024

Download PDF USA In the midst of Hurricane Helene’s wake, shaky Middle Eastern tensions, and slightly higher than expected job unemployment benefit applications in the report on Thursday, markets responded in a cool manner. In the past 5 days, the S&P 500 was mildly in the red all the way Read more…

Market Recap 29/09/2024

Download PDF USA The week started strong with both the S&P 500 and the NASDAQ continuing to grow, reaching all-time highs, after the FED delivered a 50bps rate cut last Wednesday. Amongst stocks, companies like Lockheed Martin (+40.11% YoY), Caterpillar (+35.64% YoY) and Lowe’s (+23.33% YoY) reached all-time highs. The Read more…