Market Recap 06/12/2020

Download PDF US US stocks went further into top territory this week. S&P was up 14.50% YTD at 3,699.12 points; DJIA up 5.89% YTD at 30,218.2 points, recording the best monthly performance since 1987. Similarly, small-cap Russel 2000, up 13.36% YTD at 1,891.35 points, showed its best gain since inception, Read more…

Market Recap 23-04-2017

United States Amidst continued geopolitical uncertainty and mixed corporate earnings results, US equities experienced a week of sideways movement. Later in the week however, the major indices recovered some of their previous week´s losses as confidence in president Trump´s tax reforms strengthened again. US treasury secretary Steven Mnunich announced that Read more…